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When Elephants Weep
by Jeffrey Moussaieff Masson

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Not what I was expecting at all. It is a very scientific read. One of the few books that I won’t finish.

Pablo Picasso
by Isabel Sánchez Vergara

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Great book

by Katie Daynes

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We love this book!

The Jesus Storybook Bible
by Sally Lloyd Jones

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Very informative

The Three Bears
by Margaret Hillert Books

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The girl broke the chair

Goodnight Gorilla
by Peggy Rathmann

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This book is great for kids

Diary Of A Wimpy Kid Big Shot
by Jeff Kinney

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Another good book in the series. I play soccer too!

Love Hate And Other Filters
by Love Hate And Other Filters

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A thrilling book filled with suspense, love, and hard times. It is a brilliant book that many readers should definitely read. I love this book, and will never forget it.

101 Orthodox Saints
by Wright & Schmalzbach

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"I love the Saint George part!" - carmine, 3

The Three Little Pigs
by Margaret Hillert

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It was a good book